Palatine Community Baseball & Softball center badge

The Positive Coaching Alliance is a group / movement whose purpose is to improve the playing experience for kids.  Provide parents with information on how they can help create a love for sport without being overbearing in their child.  Lastly help coaches be the best that they can with tips to improve no matter what level or experience.

Their homepage is : Positive Coaching Alliance (

There are many resources which the PCA offers.  Below we have included 10 helpful links which we would like to share:

1) Too Many Kids Leave Sports Because Of The Car Ride Home
2) John Wooden's Pyramid Of Success

3) Motivational Sports Quotes, powered by Schedule Any Lesson

4) Coaching From The Stands Is Confusing For Athletes

5) A Message To Parents: Why It Bothers Me That You Coach From The Stands

6) 11 Tips For The First-Time Coach

7) Social Media: Don't Lose A $140k Scholarship for a 140-Character Tweet

8) What Makes A Great Teammate? Here Are 12 Qualities

9) Parents Shouldn't Be Involved In Playing Time Discussions

10) Keith Van Horn: Don't Buy Into Early Sports Specialization

Additionally there are many FREE helpful classes on sportsmanship and other topic at

Sign up for over 60 free classes, at