Palatine Community Baseball & Softball center badge

General Information

* Players will RECEIVE a uniform:  Hat, Jersey (shirt), Pants and Socks.

* Player will be RESPONSIBLE for:  Baseball glove, Spikes (optional/recommended) and a protective cup (boys only).

* Games and Practices will usually be played at PADDOCK field 3 (Palatine).

* Teams will PRACTICE one day during the week, except for Fridays.  We NEED parents to be INVOLVED with our practice sessions.  No prior baseball or coaching experience necessary.  With all the 5 year-olds running around, the more adult bodies participating the more productive and organized practice will be. 

* Games will be Saturdays ranging from 9am-noon, and once or twice during the week.

* Games will be 3 innings or 1 hour - whichever comes first.

* GOAL is to have FUN, learn to be on a team, and improve basic baseball fundamentals.

* All players will rotate positions and have equal playing time.

* Tone should be positive; parents and coaches will set an example of sportsmanship and teamwork.