Palatine Community Baseball & Softball center badge

Lightning Detection

In 2011, the Palatine Park District installed the Strike Guard Lighting Warning systems at specific parks (detailed information on the systems operations and locations can be found on the PPD website).  It is expected that when actual lightning strikes have been detected within the warning area, the park systems in that zone will provide warning. When lightning has been detected, notice to take shelter is provided. One long (15-second) siren will sound, and a strobe will flash on the unit and everyone should immediately seek shelter. After the Strike Guard System determines conditions are safe, (20 minutes of no lightning) the siren will sound three five-second intermittent blasts and the strobe will go off, providing notice that it is safe to resume activity in this area.

For additional details about this safety equipment, please visit this link:

Play will stop and the field will be cleared when one of these detectors sounds.  Additionally all PCBS umpires are instructed to stop play at the first sign of lightning or sound of thunder.  REGARDLESS of whether the lightning detector has sounded.