Palatine Community Baseball & Softball center badge


Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday each month at 7:30pm in the MPR* at the Palatine Park District Community Center located at 250 E. Wood St. Palatine, IL 60067, unless otherwise noted below. 

The general public is welcome to attend PCBS board meetings to observe processes.  Please note if you wish to speak about a topic, you must first email with this request AND wait to be acknowledged that your topic will be added to the agenda. 

*MPR - is the Multi-Purpose room located at Community Center, 250 E Wood St, Palatine, IL 60067.

NOTE: Meetings schedules are typically set in October for the next year. 

  • JANUARY – 7:30pm
  • FEBRUARY – 7:30pm
  • MARCH – 7:30pm
  • APRIL – 7:30pm
  • MAY – 7:30pm
  • JUNE – 7:30pm

  • JULY – 7:30pm
  • AUGUST - 7:30pm
  • SEPTEMBER – 7:30pm
  • OCTOBER – 7:30pm
  • NOVEMBER – 7:30pm
  • *DECEMBER – 7:30pm 
    • *Full board meeting is  tentative each year
    • *The Executive board & Committee's meet this month to prepare rules, budgets, and equipment for next season!