Palatine Community Baseball & Softball center badge

Coaches Resources

Thank you for volunteering your time as a manager or coach for the PCBS.  Without men and women such as yourselves we would not be able to offer these programs.  The purpose of this page is to consolidate general information which applies to most or all of our leagues.  For league specific questions you should reach out to your league head via our Board and Members page.

For 2022 rule books, follow this link to our downloads page.

2020 Jr High Softball Rules_R0 - Jr high softball league ONLY. At this time not aware any updates planned (3/22/22).

2021 Womens League Softball rules - Updated rules posted 7/1421, now available. These rules should be followed by all participating towns.

PCBS Coaches manual -Excellent information for coaches.  Includes practice ideas and tips.

Hitting Philosophy  - Helpful for improving hitting

PPD Incident Report - Click to download.  Turn into your league VP ASAP after incident.  What constitutes an injury?  ANYTIME a player, coach, or spectator must leave the game due to a collision, hit, fall, or other situation which results in that individual not being able to carry on normal activity. When this happens an injury report must be filled out.  Even if they later rejoin the game.

National Federation of High School's, learning resource page.  Many free classes on items like concussions, APED, Anti-harassment, and more.

Seizure First Aid - Free resource and training

How to create your teamsite for communications? - future add on

How to record your game score? - future add on


Basic batting mechanics

Basic fastpitch pitching instructions