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Palatine Community Baseball & Softball

Code of Conduct

Lets all remember to behave and that we are doing this so our kids can have fun, so set a good example! Please consider joining the positive coaching alliance (PS it's not just for coaches!).

Parents, coaches, and players use words to talk things through in a calm fashion!  We need to reverse the trend of Youth sports decline.

Palatine Community Baseball & Softball (PCBS), like that of other affiliates of the Palatine Park District has adopted a
Code of Conduct. All Players, Parents, and Coaches must conform to this Code of Conduct for proper sportsmanship to occur in PCBS.

In 2019, the PCBS Board mandated that every player, parent, and coach follow the guidelines listed below.  No exceptions or concessions to this Code of Conduct will be permitted.

PCBS has developed three codes of conduct: one for parents, one for participants, and one for managers/coaches.  All are similar, following the guidelines of the “Character Counts” initiative.

The PCBS Board of Directors is dedicated to ensure that trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, citizenship, and caring are implemented into our community based program. The Board will be responsible for dealing with violations of our code of conduct and any subsequent actions that may need to be taken.

These codes will be distributed to each player in our program, their parents or guardian, and all coaches prior to the start of the season.  All parents, participants, and coaches will be asked to read the code of conduct and, by way of participating in PCBS-sponsored programs, adhere to the standards. Coaches will also be asked to discuss these codes with their players and their parents at their individual team orientation meetings prior to the start of the season. 

If a person is in violation of the code of conduct, PCBS has a range of possible actions that may be taken:

1.      WARNING

2.       PROBATION


Any person may have the opportunity to come to a PCBS board meeting to discuss incidents that may involve the code of conduct.  Everyone has the opportunity to be heard.  A person in violation may also be asked to come to a PCBS Board meeting.

We encourage the handshake ritual after all youth games.  This demonstration of sportsmanship and high standards of ethics is important in the development of good character.  Building character through sports is a vital way of helping our youth today and tomorrow.

I. Appointments

Managers and Coaches are selected by each respective league commissioner.  Such selection is conditioned upon the Manager and Coaches adhering to all rules and policies of PCBS and the Palatine Park District.  The Managers are responsible for the conduct of assistant coaches, players and spectators of his/her team. A Manager or Coach selection may be suspended or revoked at any time by the Board for violation of rules or policies.

II. Conduct

Rules and policies apply to all Players, Coaches, Parents and Spectators.  The manager is accountable and responsible for the behavior of his team and its Spectators.  Some examples of prohibited conduct are listed below.  These examples are not intended to be all-inclusive.

A.            Arguing with umpires: Judgment calls are not subject to discussion or comment.

B.            Making calls prior to the umpire.  This is not only unsportsmanlike conduct, but in the case of younger umpires, can actually influence their calls.

C.            The use of any alcohol or tobacco products at practices or games.

D.            Being intoxicated at a practice or game.

E.             Allowing or encouraging equipment violations. PCBS rules require all players to meet specific equipment requirements. 

III.  Waiver

No section, in whole or in part, of these rules may be waived for a Board member unless a quorum for the entire Board approves the waiver by a simple majority.

IV.  Infractions

Any infraction or alleged infractions of the Code of Conduct should be reported immediately to the Umpire Coordinator, VP of the League, or the President of the Board. Regardless of the disposition of the infraction, whether or not it occurred at a game, the President of the Board shall be notified immediately by the League Official receiving the report. Infractions will either be major or minor depending on the frequency and severity during the game(s). The President will:

A) For a Major Infraction:

1) Call an emergency meeting of the Board to discuss and vote on a response to the infraction. A vote may be taken and will be binding without a quorum of the Board, subject to final approval by a quorum of the Board. The quorum may reverse the emergency meeting's vote but reversal will not be retroactive.

2) If time permits, present the problem at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board for resolution. Normal rules apply.

3) Penalties must be imposed by the Board as follows, if it makes a finding of a Major Infraction, and may be in addition to any penalty imposed at the game(s). Minimum penalties must be assessed by the Board unless waived per III above.

4) Maximum penalties are recommendations only. Depending on the severity and/or frequency of the infraction(s), the Board may at its sole discretion, by simple majority vote, impose a greater penalty up to and including suspension or removal from the league. Penalties will be assessed on the Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator.






Written Warning and copies to Board and opposing manager.


One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.



One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.


Three game suspensions and copies to Board and opposing manager.



Two game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.


Season suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.

B) For a Minor Infraction:

1) Any response listed in Section V, A., above.

2) Determine a resolution at his or her sole discretion. Such resolution must be reported and opened for discussion at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

3) Penalties must be imposed by the Board as follows, if it makes a finding of a Minor Infraction, and may be in addition to any penalty imposed at the game(s). The Board must assess minimum penalties unless waived per Section III above.

4) Maximum penalties are recommendations only. Depending on the severity and/or frequency of the infraction(s), the Board may at its sole discretion, by simple majority vote, impose a greater penalty up to and including suspension or removal from the league. Penalties will be assessed on the Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator.






Verbal Warning, Board advised at next scheduled Board meeting.


Written warning and copies to Board and opposing manager.



Verbal Warning, Board advised at next scheduled Board meeting.


One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.



Written Warning and copies to Board and opposing manager.


One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.



Treated as a Major Infraction. See Major Infraction section.

V.  Compliance

All parents, players, spectators, coaches, and managers are expected to comply with the outcome of any disciplinary action rendered by the Board. A team whose parents, players, spectators, coaches, or managers ignores a suspension penalty imposed by an umpire or the Board will forfeit each game the offender ignores the suspension.





Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, Caring

2019 was the inaugural season of Palatine Community Baseball and Softball (PCBS).  Whether you are playing Palatine ball for the first time, or you are back for another season on the diamond, we’d like to take this opportunity to review our code of conduct with you.  The PCBS Code of Conduct establishes what is expected of you as a participant in our program, and is the bedrock of our supportive, developmental culture.  Please take a few minutes to review the specific expectations outlined below.  This document does not represent our Code in its entirety; additional details can be found at

   Player Expectations:

  • Treat players, parents, coaches, and umpires with the utmost respect at all times.
  • Play for the fun and enjoyment of the sport.
  • Exhibit the qualities of good sportsmanship at all times.  Be gracious in victory and dignified in defeat.  Respect the sport that you are playing.
  • Develop good practice and game habits in an effort to enhance your skills and maximize your abilities. Be on time and prepared for all practices and games.
  • Think and play as a member of a team and encourage other players to put team success above personal statistics and recognition.
  • Demonstrate a concern for others.  Promote a positive team environment through positive encouragement of your teammates.  Help your teammates become better players by sharing your knowledge and assisting them in improving their skills.
  • Learn and abide by the rules of our sport at all times.
  • Respect the facilities.  Without them there would not be a place to play.

    Parent Expectations:
  • Treat players, other parents, coaches, and umpires with the utmost respect at all times.
  • Do not force your children to play sports, but support their desire to play their chosen sport(s).  Children are involved in organized sports for THEIR enjoyment.  Always make it FUN.
  • Be a positive role model.  Be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity; display emotional maturity.
  • Use positive encouragement to increase confidence and build self-esteem in your children and foster a respect and appreciation for the sport.  Stress the importance of team play over personal statistics and recognition.  Encourage your children to develop good practice and game habits in an effort to continually improve their skills.
  • Foster the development of good character by teaching, enforcing, advocating, and modeling high standards of ethics and sportsmanship.
  • Encourage your children to learn the rules of the sport and abide by them at all times.
  • Recognize the effort put in by volunteer managers and coaches.  Communicate with and support them in any way that you can.
  • Be responsible for guests you bring.
  • Respect the facilities.  Without them, there would not be a place to play.

    Manager/Coach Expectations:
  • Treat players, other parents, coaches, and umpires with the utmost respect at all times.
  • Be a positive role model.  Be gracious in victory, accept defeat with dignity and always display emotional maturity.
  • Use positive encouragement to increase confidence and build self-esteem in your players and foster a respect and appreciation for the sport.  Stress the importance of team play over personal statistics and recognition.  Encourage your players to develop good practice and game habits in an effort to continually improve their skills.
  • Let your words and actions demonstrate a high regard for loyalty to your association and players.
  • Foster the development of good character by teaching, enforcing, advocating, and modeling high standards of ethics and sportsmanship.
  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of our sport and teach those rules to your players. Organize fun yet challenging practices.
  • Always put the safety and well-being of your players above the desire to win.  Care more about your players than the game.
  • Respect the facilities.  Please lock up equipment, pick up trash and report any maintenance issues to your commissioner.Without them there would not be a place to play.
  • Understand that the Manager is accountable and responsible for the behavior of his/her team, all assistant coaches and its spectators. Both Manager and Coaches are required to know and adhere to all rules and policies of PCBS and the Palatine Park District. Any manager or coach may be suspended or revoked at any time by the Board for violation of rules or policies.

Having read these expectations, please take a moment to discuss them as a family and/or team.  Please take time to commit to following these expectations at every practice, game or team event.  Also, understand that violation of this code of conduct could result in being forbidden from attending games or practices.