Palatine Community Baseball & Softball center badge

PCBS Programs

PCBS offers three distinct leagues designed to accommodate all the baseball and softball needs for the players of our community:


  • Recreational Leagues - Emphasis on development - Pre-K through High School
  • Part Time Travel - Competitive supplement to Rec leagues - Ages 8 - 14 (Pride and Piranhas)
  • Full Time Travel - Highest competition - Ages 8 - 14 (Travelers and Stingrays)

See the chart below for a comparison of these programs:


ProgramRecreational LeaguesPart Time TravelFull Time Travel
GoalsFocused on enjoyment and development, our most popular program fosters a love of the sport and is open to players of all skill and experience levels. Provides a competitive supplement to our most skilled players from the Recreational League. Players continue to develop and gain experience from advanced levels of competition. Highly competitive program. Development continues with year round play. Travel players are completely independent from Recreational League.
Games10 - 12 games per season Season concludes with playoffs and a Championship game10 - 12 games per season with Recreational League 8 - 10 games part time travel games against teams from neighboring communities 2 - 3 local tournaments (Memorial Day weekend and/or end of season)Players can expect between 45 - 60 games per season. Depending on the age, these games range between “Friendly” contests to League Games. Players will also play and travel to multiple tournaments throughout the Summer and Fall seasons.
CostBase price $225.00 for Palatine ResidentHouse Registration plus an additional $450.00Costs range from $1200 - $2200 depending on age. This may not include the cost of travel. Players may be expected to participate in fundraisers for their team.
CommitmentTeams will meet 2 - 3 times per week from early April through end of JuneTeams will meet 1 time per week from January through March Teams will meet 3 - 4 times per week from early April through end of June2 practices per week throughout the Winter. Increasing time commitment in late Spring and through Summer. 2 / 3 practice / games per week throughout the Fall.
Eligibility Pre- K through High School / Level determined by grade8u - 14u / Level determined by grade8u - 18u. Eligibility is determined by age on 12/31.
TryoutsNo Tryouts RequiredTryouts for Pride and Piranhas are held in August. There is no cost to tryout.Teams are chosen through tryouts held in late July. There is no cost to tryout.