Developing Skills

Building Character

Having Fun

PCBS is a volunteer driven organization supported by an Executive Director. Our community based programs showcase the best of what recreational sports offer to players and families. We appreciate the opportunities sports provide to develop confidence, leadership, grit, and an appreciation for teamwork. These lifelong lessons resonate long after the players leave the fields of our local ballfields. With leagues for Pre-K through High School, PCBS offers an experience for all age groups and all experience levels. 


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With a focus on enjoyment and development, recreational leagues foster a love of the sport and are open to players of all skill and experience levels from pre-K through high school.

Palatine Community Baseball and Softball

Part-Time Travel

Part-time travel leagues are a supplement for the most-skilled recreational players ages, 8 to 14. The leagues offer a more competitive level of play while also maintaining some of the flexibility that defines summertime.

Pride Baseball

Piranhas Softball

Full-Time Travel

Full-time travel leagues are highly competitive programs for top players ages, 9 to 18. Development continues with year-round play, plus multiple tournaments throughout the summer and fall seasons.

Travelers Baseball

Stingray Softball


PCBS Winter Clinics and Players Academies offer both off-season training and local, individualized coaching to build skills and confidence.

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Volunteer with PCBS

PCBS exists thanks to the passion and commitment of hundreds of great volunteers each season. Your contribution is essential to our ability to deliver the best baseball and softball programs. Please join us!

Sponsor PCBS

Our sponsors enable us to provide high-quality and affordable programs for the Palatine community. Sponsors gain great exposure, and they benefit from the appreciation and support of thousands of local families.